Good early evening from Lembeh....three great dives today and sunny skies...until the heavens opened at lunch and we had a waterfall coming down all the stairways! Oh, by the way, it's 51 steps from the dive centre to our room...and our cottages are on the "lower level"...wouldn't want to be up in #13 where it's 105 steps!
Our third dive today was at a site called Tanjung Kubut....Cemetery Point. No cemeteries in sight, but lots of seahorses....four in fact, all different colors: a pink thorny, a yellow one, red one and brown one...all clinging either to small sponges or just floating along the rubble.
Best sighting today for us was a hairy octopus...very, very cool..first one for us. Lots of clownfish, cardinalfish, nudis, pipefish, gobies and too many more to list. For those of you who know Bob's "love" for flying gunnards, we saw one of those today as well..here's a photo to prove it!
Off to dinner now....5 of the group are out doing a night dive so I'm sure there will be lots more cool stuff to list tomorrow....til then, jumpa lagi!
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